Mending the Deck Chairs on the Titanic – Reflections at Summer’s End   1 comment

07:03 Okay, so, where are we in the scheme of things? It’s Sunday, September 3; This Year of Grace 2023. The 84th Anniversary of the start of World War II, my how time flies when you’re having fun and Margaret’s 104th Birthday were she still with us. Already wide awake about an hour earlier than I’d like (06:05), awake to “Morning Wood” instead of “Norwegian Wood*”; at 64 this might be construed as a good thing – if only 😥 – and reflecting on the blog post I was going to make on Dominion Day, I refuse to refer to it as “Canada Day”; now 2 months ago. Meanwhile June came and went, and July 1st came and went, and the rest of July came and went, and August came and went, and how do I manage to get so little done, in so much time?

The flag to the left is not my flag: The flag to the right is.

07:03 At least, that’s how it feels…

Well… I’ve managed to largely complete a workshop in our shoebox apartment, comprising a total of about 64 square feet of floor space. Added about another $500+ to my overburdened MasterCard bill in the process; got a couple of new pairs of glasses ordered, one for distance, one for close up, this “getting old” business is a tedious exercise; progressive lenses drive me nuts, the one time I tried them couldn’t keep them on my face for 30 seconds. The shop thus far, is starting to look like this:

Here was my starting point around June 18, paid a couple of much younger guys $150 to schlep my wide bench from storage, a distance of 4 klics – and up two flights of stairs:

Developing by degrees, by around July 18 (a month later obviously) thus:

Living in an apartment, there was no way I could secure pegboard and shelves to the wall, thus I mounted same to the benches beneath them… but care for the place however we try we’ll likely inevitably forfeit our damage deposit anyway… it’s how the rental game works…


June 9th I guess or maybe a bit earlier, my Lorée #0 d’amore bocal (on the right) arrived from Hannah’s Oboes, as an alterative to the #2 I already had, which seemed to be playing flat.. I was looking for a Lorée #1, but the only #1’s she had were Hinnikers which I probably should have ordered, I’ve gathered the Hinniker is a Stradivarius amongst oboes.. but they were also a lot more expensive; the Lorée was $298 with the exchange and before shipping and taxes, but alas when I tried it soon discovered my chops are so rusty didn’t seem to make any difference. 😥 And that was as far as my reviving my oboe playing has got at the moment, I became and continue to be distracted by setting up the “Postage Stamp Shop” and imposing some sort of order to our chaotic overstuffed tiny apartment. There’s the other issue of finding other players / accompanists who haven’t taken The Lethal Injection, can’t have them dropping dead of myocarditis or a stroke or a myocardial in the middle of rehearsal or performance after all† 🤔 …

July marked the departure of “Mother Fran” whom almost no-one has ever heard of; and the talented but very damaged Sinéad O’Connor whom a great many have. The former sang in Saint Luke’s choir which I attended once upon a time: It was my parent’s church and when I came to Victoria, my church as well; I intended to attend Fran’s memorial service, a bad night’s sleep precluded that; but as a result of Cynthia emailing me about it, I spent some time digging through emails from about 2 years ago, forcibly reminding me of events from September 2021 on, including the bogus “anti-Covid” measures implemented by our criminal crypto-Nazi/Bolshevik government (depending on how you want to look at them) of British Columbia, including their appalling, despicable “Vaccine Passports” – and the Bishop of the Diocese of British Columbia Anna Greenfield Lee issuing a “Pastoral Letter”‡ in full support of those abominations…

Like Pontius Pilate with Jesus, my church washed their hands of me, and delivered me into the hands of my enemies. I wrote Fr. Daniel an email protesting same which he never answered… and I haven’t attended St. Luke’s since. I was debating in July sending a belated letter to our Lady Bishop about what happened 2 years back… Trouble is, the driest, most reserved recounting of the last 3 years from a Pureblood’s perspective would read to one of The Terminally Blue-Pilled like the ravings of a crazy man and I suspect she’d dismiss my missive with “Covid is over” … assuming she’d even answer it … 🤔

No, it’s not Your Grace. It’s just getting started… 😳💣


“This great evil. Where’s it come from? How’d it steal into the world? What seed, what root did it grow from? Who’s doing this? Who’s killing us? Robbing us of light and life? Mocking us with the sight of what we might have known? Does our ruin benefit the Earth? Does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine? Is this darkness in you too? Have you passed through this night?”

— Private Edward P. Train; The Thin Red Line

10 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.
11 Put on the full armour of God, so that you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
13 Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”

— Saul of Tarsus’ Letter to the Ephesians; Chapter 6, verses 10 – 13

Bob Moran’s “Spiritual War


I’m 64 years old… Been mulling over the Covid-19 Scamdemic and The Lethal Injections, ever since this phantasmagoric, monstrous fraud got seriously underway… But it occurred to me a few weeks back? That about every 5 years for as long as I can remember, Big Pharma, The Medical Racket and their co-opted if not wholly-owned Lying Whore Media§ would piously trot out some malarky about the latest Influenza Pandemic – it was going to be a killer this time! Oh Boy, was humanity ever going to get it!! – “Asian flu”… “Spanish flu”… “Swine flu”… “Bird flu”… “Venezuelan Beaver Cheese flu”… “Norwegian Blue Parrot flu”… (beautiful plumage tho’ 🤔) – but Hey!! Just in the nick of time! There was this brand-new miraculous life-saving vaccine available, only thing that would save humanity, that they’d just cooked up in their back-alley flu-vaccine-cum-crystal-meth lab; our governments were going to distribute it “for free” – never mind the billions of dollars borrowed from commercial banks stemming from pre-signed contracts with Big Pharma’s Drug Lords to do it, that our grand-children or great grand-children will still be paying for at exorbitant interest along with everything else…

… And every 5 years, we’d all swallow the patent bullshit whole, and off we’d troop to take the proffered vaccine, and every 5 years a couple dozen people would die of it, and several dozen more would be severely and permanently injured… You’d have to dig long and deep to learn about those injuries and deaths mind you… Occasionally that information would surface, there would be a great big brou-ha-ha about “corporate responsibility” and vaccine production and injection would be shut down in a great big show of virtue-signalling ¶ … 🙄💩

… I was one of them come to think of it, back in 2017, took that year’s flu vaccine as a condition of employment, and you know? My left arm has never been quite the same since.. a little weaker than my right arm, coordination is off just a little, it’s often noticeably colder than my right arm – no huge deal and nothing you could pin on the flu vaccine of course, and I usually don’t even notice it, and in any event I digress …

Where was I? Oh yes …

But now? “Covid-19” was upon us! – just like the SARS scam back in 2003 and thanks to the Chinese then as well except that time it was a flu they’d caught from civets, and this time it was a variety of cold virus peculiar to bats. Never mind that! It was  a cold virus with a 5% – 10% mortality for human beings!! … that had somehow jumped species from a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan China, to infect humanity with catastrophic consequences!

Funny how no-one mentioned the Chinese have been eating things like civets and bats for centuries if not millennia and nothing like this ever happened before… that only now, an endemic disease to another species had suddenly, so to speak, “jumped ship”? 😳

They also never mentioned the “experimental” bit, for some reason.. 🤔

“Never mind all that my lad!” Once again most of us swallowed the patent bullshit whole, and off we most went (some of us were finally beginning to get wise) to take their experimental bioweapon injections as the government vendettas against the Purebloods grew ever more vindictive, atrocious and crazy…

We now have a situation where 30% of humanity could be dead in 2 – 3 years because we trusted. Probably much more.


11:39 Okay so.. 11:00 – 11:20 A visit from Jesse, could I fix a sticky valve on his poor old euphonium? First sale since May… soon as I tightened the bottom cap on the valve case the sticky valve cured itself.. but just to be on the safe side cleaned the pistons with Goof-Off, put in a new felt under the valve button because it was going “clank” like it shouldn’t have, had him give it a toot and he pronounced himself satisfied, charged him $20 and sent him on his merry way, telling him if that didn’t work I’d lap the valve which I don’t want to do (truly I don’t) because that’s the only other thing I can think of to fix the problem.

Jesse’s Repaired Euphonium (Not Exactly as Illustrated…) 😇

Mending my broken deck chairs on the Titanic. While our civilization disintegrates for our plutocrat’s and kakistocrat’s pleasure…


* “Norwegian Wood / This Bird has Flown

† Dr. William Makis, MD: Musicians And Singers Dying Suddenly In May And June 2023 – The Trend Is Accelerating

‡ Covid 19 Update: Pastoral Letter From Bishop Anna “Covid 19 Update: Pastoral Letter From Bishop Anna

§ I really shouldn’t cast such aspersions on prostitutes: These good women after all provide an essential service under often degrading and frequently very dangerous circumstances…🤔

¶ 60 Minutes: “Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries

Posted September 3, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

Is the W.H.O. the Terrorist Wing of the UN? – Dr. Vernon Coleman -13th June 2023   Leave a comment

By Dr. Vernon Coleman 13th June 2023

You will no doubt be aware that the idea of forcing people to be vaccinated is back in the news and I think it’s time to look at the background to what is happening.

To start with, of course, it’s important to remember that the World Health Organisation – whose enthusiasm for forced vaccination and the abuse of patients all around the world – is a sign of their collective wickedness and ignorance – is linked with the United Nations in the same way that Donald Trump is linked to his hair. You can’t have one without the other.

So we need some vitally important background.

When the American President Franklin Roosevelt had the idea for the United Nations early during the Second World War, and wrote the outline for Churchill to approve, there was a lot of fancy rhetoric about human rights and religious freedom.

However, no one involved in the UN’s formation doubted that the clear, single aim was to create an organisation which would lead us directly to a World Government. That was what they said. That was the plan. As written by Roosevelt and his aides the UN charter excluded de Gaulle’s France, so as not to upset Germany, and made the United States the first among so-called equals.

It’s worth remembering, by the way, that one of the men responsible for the UN was John J McCloy, a former president of the World Bank, a Wall Street insider, a former partner in a law firm which represented the American portion of IG Farben – look them up if you haven’t heard of them. McCloy was a Nazi sympathiser. While helping set up the UN, McCloy used his influence to stop the US Air Force bombing Auschwitz not because he was worried about killing the prisoners but because he knew how crucial the concentration camp was to German Industry. McCloy (who was, at the time, the Assistant Secretary of War) claimed that bombing the gas-chambers at Auschwitz might annoy the Germans and provoke them into vindictive actions. Some found it difficult to understand precisely what ‘vindictive actions’ he had in mind. And it was, however, McCloy’s actions after the War which helped create the European Union. If you want to know more about that read The Shocking History of the EU? by Zina Cohen.

After the War, McCloy became US High Commissioner for West Germany where in addition to releasing many industrialists who had been sentenced for war crimes, he also arranged for Nazi camp doctors and SS officers to be released or to have their sentences substantially reduced. As soon as McCloy had arranged for their release, the executives from IG Farben quickly re-joined German companies, such as Deutsche Bank. Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles and General Patton all wanted the Germans to control Europe as a bulwark against the Soviet Union.

It was mainly due to McCloy that Schmitz, Krupp and other war criminals received no punishment at all or the sort of punishment usually regarded as suitable for small time motoring offenders. There was a reason for all this: it was war criminals released by McCloy who helped found the European Union – an early step towards the planned World Government.

Incredibly, McCloy even arranged for Krupp to be pardoned and his record as a war criminal expunged even though Krupp’s industrial empire had controlled slave labourers in 57 concentration camps.

Astonishingly, McCloy even ordered that all of Krupp’s property, which had been confiscated after the War, be restored to him so that he suffered not at all.

And it was McCloy who helped the Nazis set up the European Union after the end of World War II.

This slight detour into the world of the nauseating McCloy is important because it helps define the sort of men who set up the United Nations. And they were all men by the way. Hilary Clinton wasn’t a force at the time.

The Communist Party instructed its members that ‘Great popular support and enthusiasm for the United Nations policies should be built up, well organised and fully articulate. But it is also necessary to do more than that. The opposition must be rendered so impotent that it will be unable to gather any significant support in the Senate against the United Nations Charter and the treaties which will follow.’

And so the Communist Party was supporting, endorsing and promoting an organisation (the United Nations) which had been set up by a bunch of American bankers.

It’s crucial to remember, and never forget, that, as Professor Carrol Quigley said: ‘The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.’ Quigley, of course, was the author of one of the most important books of the 20th century – Tragedy and Hope? – a 1,300 page book, published in 1966.

And it’s vital to remember that nothing that has happened in the last 100 years has been an accident. Everything has been carefully planned: the wars, the man-made climate change hoax, the endless fake pandemics, the corruption, the appeasement, the political deceits, the subsidised rioting, the recessions and the political coups. They’ve all been part of a carefully designed, well-orchestrated plot to replace sovereign governments with a world government run by financiers, bankers, very rich people and obedient, greedy hypocrites such as Obama, Clinton and Blair. The one thing they all have in common is that they should all be awaiting trial for War Crimes.

The UN peace keeping force, which was set up in response to Richard Nixon was the first step towards that world government. It was back in 1950 that Congressman Richard Nixon introduced a ‘resolution calling for the establishment of a United Nations police force’. But the United Nations didn’t limit itself to a police force. Psychologists, behavioural scientists, agronomists and others were employed to work out ways to control people. Right at the beginning of the UN’s life there were plans to reduce the size of the world’s population and to enforce sterilisation. (It has, of course, been reported that some widely promoted vaccination programmes were actually designed to reduce fertility.) There were also plans to destroy local police forces, to destroy local health care and education programmes and to make sure that all citizens handed in their guns. To encourage citizens everywhere to accept the idea of more State control, it was decided that rioters should be allowed to disrupt towns and cities all over the world, ostensibly campaigning against racism, climate change and other issues.

The other stuff which most people associate with the UN, and which encourages celebrities to work with their various programmes is all window dressing – all done to make people think that the UN is a peace loving, decent organisation run by good, kind people with honest intentions – all of them having much in common with Miss World contestants – spiritually at least.

In practice, of course, the United Nations is quite possibly the most evil organisation devised by man and the army of vastly overpaid and under-taxed renegades who work for it are traitors to mankind and will one day pay the price for their perfidy.

That’s the background – which, God willing, I shall return to another day. Sadly, most people don’t realise how well everything ties together. The mainstream media never mentions this stuff and the internet is awash with CIA sponsored controlled opposition on the internet including self-styled preppers selling us enough freeze dried cabbage to last us 30 years so that we can survive the inevitable nuclear blast. The preppers are effectively spreading the word that we have lost everything and that there is nothing we can do defend or protect ourselves. Some of them are still strutting their funky stuff on YouTube and in my view the quick way to see if someone is controlled opposition is to see if they’re still on YouTube – if they are then they’re probably approved by the WEF and the CIA among others. I fear that the underlying aim of all this prepping garbage may be to make us believe that there is nothing we can do to stop the conspirators and so we might as well just lie back and get ready to enjoy our stocks of freeze dried cabbage. Well, bollocks to all that, bollocks to them and bollocks to YouTube and Google, as thoroughly corrupt and evil as Smersh and Spectre.

What is worrying me at the moment is the resurrected, revised plan to force everyone on earth to accept a barrage of vaccinations – to be jabbed with a whole sequence of jabs which don’t do what they are supposed to do but which do kill people, make them infertile and create new illnesses.

And, of course, the plot to vaccinate everyone comes from the World Health Organisation – and their refreshed plan for global dominance via the needle was slipped out quietly while the mainstream media remains obsessed with the trivial activities of a bunch of Z list celebrities and minor royals and, occasionally, with the latest in a series of designer wars created by American conspirators and their friends in NATO.

As an aside, the latest war, in Ukraine, is of course, part of the drive, organised by the far left, the neo liberals and the billionaires who finance them, towards forming and controlling a tyrannical world government which will be happily accepted by the weary masses, who are exhausted by the constant storm of depressing news – all promoted by the ignorant, the unimaginative and the newly insane and designed to take us straight into the Great Reset, complete with wall-to-wall social credits, digital currencies and an entirely digital world – the sort of digital world now being put into practice by Aldi, a German company which has a shop where you can’t buy food unless you’ve got their app on your phone. Actually, they won’t even let you into their shop unless you have their app on your smart phone. They can bugger off because we don’t want them or their apps. Anyone who has an App and shops at Aldi is a traitor.

There are people around who still don’t realise this but the World Health Organisation is the terrorist wing of the United Nations, and for the last three years it has spread lies and fear with relentless enthusiasm. The WHO’s job is to terrify the public and adapt the truth to suit the needs of the conspirators pushing for global power and a world government.

The WHO is an essential weapon in the UN’s armoury. It has nothing whatsoever to do with health but is a plain and simple terrorist group and a vital part of the global conspiracy which is taking us remorselessly into the New World Order and dragging us down into the Great Reset.

The WHO is planning to bring a dangerous and unnecessary programme of compulsory vaccinations – all untested and dangerous. Disingenuous as always, they and their jack booted commie collaborators will say, of course, that the vaccinations aren’t compulsory and that if you don’t want to buy food or electricity, have a bank account, keep a job or leave your home you won’t need a vaccination certificate. Of course if you do want to buy food and electricity, have a job, leave your home and generally stay alive then you’ll need all your jabs but as the loathsome Turdeau would probably say they won’t be compulsory. They think we’re all stupid and the tragedy is that they’re nearly right: most people are stupid and most people will accept everything they’re told by the WHO – an organisation now infamous for its links with the vaccine hobbyist Bill Gates – a man with close links with the cuddly trio of the BBC, The Guardian and Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein is probably the only one of the three who still is alive.

In March 2020, over three years ago, I warned that they would introduce compulsory vaccinations. If you listen carefully you can still hear the sniggers and the abuse I received at the time. Totalitarian regimes have always introduced compulsory vaccination programmes – though they’ve never before been planned globally and they’ve always failed. I also warned about digital money and the rest of the plan.

Today, there is no need for any more evidence proving that vaccines don’t do what they are supposed to do and aren’t safe. My book Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying is packed with information proving that vaccine programmes aren’t either. And in the autumn of 2020 I recorded a series of videos detailing exactly what problems the covid-19 jab would cause. I warned about the heart problems, the clots and the myocarditis months before those problems appeared and before the jab roll out programme. Meanwhile, of course, mainstream media propaganda outfits such as the BBC were lying and telling everyone that the vaccine was safe and effective.

The official figures prove that my warnings – the best part of three years ago – were absolutely accurate. The Government figures also show that there never was a pandemic and the remarketed over-promoted flu was just a pretty standard flu. The so called vaccine, however, is one of the most toxic pharmaceutical products in history – making thalidomide look good. The sensible folk who said NO to the toxic jab are today the healthiest people left on earth.

The awful, awful truth is that the conspirators, the treacherous, evil folk who will do anything to push us towards a world government, knew exactly what would happen. The fake pandemic was designed to terrify and to teach the unimaginative to obey. The covid jab was designed to kill, to cripple and to add to the fear and to increase medical bills in order to impoverish those in countries without State health care.

The enemy has done well so far because they’ve controlled the media.

Our only hope now is to draw attention to their crookedness. We can prove that the mainstream media lied. We can prove that politicians and doctors lied.

Paradoxically, our biggest strength is that they have refused to debate. For well over three years I have been challenging the liars to debate with me. I’ve been prepared to slum it by talking to BBC staff. And I’d be delighted to put the debate on my websites – which, I suspect, receive more visitors than most BBC news programme.

The BBC’s refusal to debate is a sign of their weakness.

And so we should keep on challenging them. This is the way we’ll win this war – not by stocking up on huge supplies of freeze dried cabbage or community gas masks for all the family.

The BBC will probably refuse to debate because they know they’ll lose. Indeed, the BBC – a State broadcaster if ever there was one – has probably been ordered by the Government not to engage in any debate. I suspect the staff all have a copy of Mao’s little red book tucked into their regulation underwear.

But we should push for a debate – not just to embarrass them but because people will see that they are refusing to back up their claims, and to defend their lies.

I will meet all the experts the BBC can find in a live TV studio.

I will prove that covid-19 was never a major threat to mankind and that the so-called pandemic was a fake.

I will prove that covid-19 did not cause an avalanche of deaths.

I will prove that covid-19 killed no more people than the ordinary flu.

I will prove that the covid-19 vaccine did not provide the protection it was said to provide and was never as safe as politicians, doctors and journalists claimed it to be and that it is a toxic pharmaceutical product which was wrongly promoted.

I will prove the lockdowns were never necessary and did far more harm than good.

I will prove that masks were never necessary or safe and did more harm than good. I will prove that the PCR test was useless and used to enable the authorities to falsify their covid figures.

Why should the BBC debate with me? Well, before I became officially listed by the CIA as a discredited conspiracy theorist, banned by all mainstream media and all social media for the modern, unforgiveable crime of telling the truth, I was, since the 1970s, an acknowledged expert on iatrogenesis, drug side effects and vaccines. I was the BBC’s first networked agony uncle back in the 1980s and I’ve made numerous TV and radio series for the BBC.

As the author of the world’s best-selling book on vaccines I would love to debate with the WHO’s experts but they won’t, of course. I doubt if there is anyone working there who could hold their own in a debate. I suspect they’re too drunk with arrogance and a sense of superiority ever to take a chance.

So, they’re out.

Maybe another TV network will have employees with the guts to take me on. It has to be networked and it has to be live because I don’t trust TV companies.

It’ll be a fight to the death. Whoever loses will be permanently destroyed, their arguments will be forever discredited and they’ll never get any more government advertising. I bet the viewing figures would be massive. I’m prepared to risk everything because I am confident I know the truth.

Send this video to all the TV stations you can think of. Let’s embarrass the treacherous cretins to death. And please share this video everywhere you can.

Thank you for watching an old man in a chair. Please remember, although it may seem like it you are not alone. More and more people are waking up and once awake they don’t go back to sleep.

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Please share this with everyone you know. Please remember that I am banned from all social media as well as YouTube and anything in my name on social media is fake but you can find me on where I’ve been since long before Google and YouTube were born and more recently also on

Distrust the Government, avoid mass media and fight the lies. Thank you again for watching an old man in a chair. And remember – we have God on our side.

Posted June 15, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

The Trouble is, Sheep are very DIM…   Leave a comment

“And once they get an idear into their ‘eads, there’s noo shiftin’ it!!”
— M. Python

Late Summer, 2022; as the engineered catastrophe of the “Covid-19” “Vaccinations” began to seriously unfold – You’d think that photograph of Jummai Nache from February 2021 should have been enough to dissuade anyone from taking it – I somehow learned of a book published in 1990, entitled Vaccination: Social Violence and Criminality by Harris L. Coulter; original purchase price printed on the back cover of $14.95. Long out of print, and the cheapest copy I could find at the time was Cdn $290.00. So I bought a copy, even though “Knighthood Security” had just let me go. My supervisor called July 8th, told me the client suddenly wanted a whole new crew, and they had nowhere else to send me. Might have been true. Might not. In cases of abrupt dismissal to avoid severance payments and litigation it’s becoming the practice of employers to “place you on indefinite unpaid leave-of-absence” with some semi-or-not-at-all-plausible pretext. Trouble was simultaneously to that, “Management” had been sending me texts and email asking about my Lethal Injection Status, which I wasn’t answering, both because I hadn’t and never will take The Lethal Injection and my medical history and records are none of my employer’s God-damned business. Whole mess was despicable, but I got my prevaccination job back so it doesn’t matter anyway, and in any event, I digress.

So I was searching my email this morning to see how much I paid for Vaccination: Social Violence and Criminality and came across this fragment of email conversation between myself and a suddenly now former friend, whom I’ll call “Dr. Bluepilled”. We’d known each other since Grade 8, he got into Medical School, has been practising medicine for over 30 years now… I post that fragment, with some hopefully laconic comments of my own. Names and locations are disguised of course, to protect both the guilty and the imbecilic.

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:31 PM
to me

You should have been fired!

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:53 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

Why? Because I won’t take an injection I have every reason to believe will cause me irreversible catastrophic damage and eventually kill me? [June 12, 2022, 21:23: Look at my question. Read his response. 😱🤯]

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:54 PM
to me


From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:54 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

An injection I may add that comes under the terms of the Geneva Convention, is in direct contravention of The Nuremberg Code?

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:56 PM
to me

But not if your work does not involve contact with public.

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:55 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

“I beseech you in the Bowels of Christ! Think it possible you be mistaken?” 😳
— Oliver Cromwell.

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 12:58 PM
to me

Daddy’s never wrong lol

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 1:10 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

And you say I’m nuts… Forgive me for this Dr. Bluepilled, but… What in God’s Name will it take, to wake you up? Are you aware at least 30 of your colleagues have died since last December?

Do you have any idea how many airline pilots have died since the vaccine rollout, some of them right at the controls? Or that at last 1,200 professional sports players have dropped dead in the middle of a game? Does the reportage from VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) mean absolutely nothing to you?

From: Dr. Bluepilled Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 1:12 PM to me

Nope [June 12, 2022, 13:50: My reaction to this, nearly a year later: 😱🤯]

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 1:13 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

Do you have the guts to take a D-dimer test? [June 12, 2022, 13:51: A test I learned of via Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton BC; it measures for microscopic bloodclots]

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 1:14 PM
to me

Working on terms of reference for a committee I’m involved with as we have this fun banter.
Not the way I prefer spending a sunny 32C day!!! But I am having a bit of fun!
Thanks for that! [June 12, 2022, 13:52: After 30+ years in practice, surely Dr. Bluepilled would be aware of the existence and purpose of the “D-Dimer Test”. Notice how he completely ignored my question. In one ear, out the other. 🤔]

From: Capt. R. Harkness Sat, Sep 3, 2022, 1:19 PM to Dr. Bluepilled

Thanks for what? I despair of you. The indoctrination in Medical School must have been very thorough. 🤔

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sep 3, 2022, 1:29 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

To provide you with more cynical mirth at my expense, here is the cover of the single most expensive book I have ever purchased, just arrived yesterday:

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sep 3, 2022, 1:33 PM
to me

I didn’t know you had money to burn!

Out to water gardens now

A glorious day out there!!!

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sep 3, 2022, 1:40 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

I don’t. Reading this was that important to me, after reading “The Second Smartest Guy in the World’sreview of same.

I send you
this link of his subject headings with some trepidation, it may induce in you a terminal case of ROFLMAO… 🙄

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sep 3, 2022, 1:44 PM
to me

No reason to be trepidatious as you know I prob won’t read it

I prefer more entertaining fiction lol [June 12, 2022, 13:57: Oh, Dr. Bluepilled.. you clueless, arrogant, brain-dead, insufferable ass… 💩]

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sep 3, 2022, 1:52 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

I thought you’d at least scan the headlines.. 😥

From: Dr. Bluepilled
Sep 3, 2022, 2:32 PM
to me

The American brain is deficient to start with. [June 12, 2022, 13:59: Your own evidently, not being the least…🙄💩]

From: Capt. R. Harkness
Sep 3, 2022, 5:13 PM
to Dr. Bluepilled

I think you can say that about most nation’s populations


What can I say in conclusion? People are coming with trust to Dr. Bluepilled with their problems… some, with heavy-duty concerns. They’re in pain. They’re worried sick. They’re terrified they may die. And THIS … is his attitude? 😮 Is it true, as I’ve heard, that his shithead mentality, is common in the medical profession? This clown is just as dumb as fucking rocks. Arrogant to the point of justifiably getting his lights punched out. He got into Medical School, became a doctor, has made a career of it. “Jesus Wept”: How does the sleazy accreditation racket bloody work? I couldn’t get into Grad School if I sold my soul to Satan; three years into my one professional gig I was fired … courtesy of a drunken Master Warrant Officer’s malicious whispers; it’s been nothing but dead-end shit jobs ever since… I think of the people who have gotten ahead in life, like MWO Barlow, or Dr. Bluepilled… it is to pound my head against a wall. 😰

Our email correspondence, and I’d hazard our friendship, came to an abrupt conclusion I guess March 2023; he testily asked me if I’d ever heard of “Long Covid”; I answered I had, and repeated the question I’d asked him several times already: “How is it, after 3 years, I have yet to see one credible case, of “Covid-19”, when I surely should know of dozens dead by now?”

Dr. Bluepilled didn’t answer me, nor the two or three other emails I sent subsequently. Can’t find them now, I guess I must have deleted them. But, every time Professor Miller does a Substack Post of those who “died suddenly” I scroll through to see if Dr. Bluepilled’s name is listed.

It’s at 126 Canadian doctors, last time I checked. 😐

PS: Almost forgot: Before he cut me off, Dr. Bluepilled informed me he’d already taken four doses of The Lethal Injection…

Posted June 12, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

Mending the Deck Chairs on the Titanic – A Plan of Action   Leave a comment

06:44 So, where are we in the scheme of things? Forthwith, for your delectation and enjoyment, some of my thoughts as I was getting up, on June 3, in This Year of Grace, 2023… 🤔

Got about a third of the way through the following: Debunking Viki Male: Part 1 and opined the following:

Reading off a computer screen is a miserable business, only got a third of the way. Going to have to print it and read it. But even just that far, for this failed musician who thinks too much I find I’m asking myself my stock question – the one I’ve been asking myself for three years now – over and over and over:

“How can I trust a medical doctor, or anything they tell me, ever again?”

06:49 Meanwhile what was I thinking on arising…?… It’s Saturday = the yard will be quiet and largely absent of personnel. Why not take the d’amore with me and get to work on it?

Trouble with that swell plan is where do I practice it otherwise? In this shoebox apartment with its paperthin walls? And thinking as well I don’t have my copy of Evelyn Rothwell’s Bach: Difficult Passages (lost somewhere in the move, hopefully I’ll find it again some day) nor do I know what happened to my copy of the excerpt from Ravel’s “Bolero” (ditto)… and I can’t help but wonder at Evelyn’s selection, because “Bolero” isn’t in Volume 3 (Modern Works) of Difficult Passages, anywhere.

(Boy, that was fun! NOT. Just wasted 30 minutes looking for the Oboe II / Oboe d’Amore part online.. and I couldn’t find it! The above is a cellphone picture of the graphic I found last week.. “Share, and enjoy”🙄…)

Come to think of it, neither is the oboe solo from Ravel’s “Tombeau de Couperin” – hands down the most difficult oboe solo in the orchestral repertoire.

‘Course I’ve wondered about Evelyn Rothwell (the one recording I had of her was reminiscent of a comb and paper), ever since I bought her Oboe Technique when I was 14, and gasped at how she could write a book with such a title… and amongst other things, include no fingering chart, of any description… 🤯

Never mind a recommended progression of studies or pieces…

07:04 Be that as it may… Bloody Hell.. How.. How!? Have they managed to make the Internet so bloody useless? Do a search for the oboe d’amore part for “Bolero” …

Scroll down a bit to get past the obviously useless stuff, find a bunch of links that look promising.. but none of them will take you to the actual music. Try Google “Images”? Sure, a whole bunch of interesting-looking tiles. The second one was an instant “favorite” for me:

The first image looked the most promising, it’s got “Hautbois II aussi Hautbois d’amour en La” on it and despite my best attempts not to learn French growing up in Quebec, I’d somehow managed to absorb enough to grasp that…

But click on it, it takes you to this:

Always. Wherever you go, whatever you do, there’s some sleazy sticky-fingered grifter with their hands out for your money.

Had to resort to the Linux Screen Capture tool which I discovered recently quite by accident.. press the “print screen” button (unlike Windows it actually does something) and you get this lovely little rectangle you can adjust the size of and an on-screen button to click on to give you an instant picture. The result was fuzzy. But usable… and I continue to rejoice in the thought that, having used Ubuntu Linux almost exclusively since July 2020, I am no longer contributing to Bill Gates’ bottom line – don’t think for a second he truly let go of Microsoft. He’s not that philanthropic. 🙄

So I seem possibly to be starting on one of my “Mending the Deck Chairs on the Titanic” endeavours; working up a pile of stuff from the solo repertoire and posting it on YouTube:

• Bach’s Partita in A minor for Solo Flute – on the oboe d’amore. High A’s going to be a bit tricky.
• Bach’s Sonata for English Horn arranged from his Viola da Gamba sonata BWV 1027. Ordered, should arrive from Europe in a couple of months.
• Telemann’s “Method Sonatas” for Flute – on oboe.. well, some of them anyway.. 2 fat volumes of 12 sonatas I paid a small fortune for ($120.++). He probably churned them out in a day or two. But they’ll take me on the other hand weeks if not months to build up.
• Bach’s monumental (actually just about everything he wrote was monumental, even the trivia…🤔) G Minor Sonata for Oboe – on which the Flute B Minor sonata was based. The G Minor was lost to history but one Raymond Merylan reconstructed it.
• Krebs’ Fantasia for Oboe and Organ.
• Poulenc’s Sonata for Oboe – For some reason listening to this piece I find myself thinking of some tenor saxophonist playing in an smokey, intimate 1950’s-era jazz club at about 2 in the morning…
• Hindemith’s Sonatas for Oboe and English Horn… was there ever a composer more cerebral than Hindemith? J.S. Bach, possibly. But I can’t think of anyone else.

• Saint Seans’ charming Oboe Sonata – alas, nowhere near as serendipitous as his bassoon sonata. But I don’t have a baritone oboe so I can come close, nor am I ever likely to own one. Maybe work it up on the baritone saxophone once I’ve resurrected that one I inadvertently bought off eBay… ? In the immortal words of Monty Python: “Sure, no problem.”
• Schumann’s Fantasiestücke originally for A clarinet, on d’amore.. That written low B♭ is going to be a bit tricky though… 🤔 Wonder if there’s someplace with a square piano I could do this with.. and give me an excuse to buy an ensemble from “Steampunk Emporium”.
• Schumann’s Three Romances for Oboe … ditto…
• How about Clara Schumann’s Romances ? (originally written for violin?)
• And let’s round everything off shall we, with Georges Gillet’s Studies for the Advanced Teaching of the Oboe… 😱💣🤯

Altogether? A mere bagatelle, should only keep me busy for at least the next 2 – 3 years.. and I need to find an accompanist, a pretty blonde girl of 22 – 23 with huge breasts, or at least unusually large ones… that way the viewers will have something nice to look at, my corpulent 64-year-old frame pleasing no-one, least of all myself.

Puerile and libidinous fantasies aside, a far more salient concern is finding an accompanist who hasn’t taken The Lethal Injection. Besides her spreading spike proteins to me, I have no need nor wish for her to drop dead from a vaccine-induced myocardial or stroke in the middle of a recording. 🤔

The other vexing question of course is “where do I find the money to pay her?”


09:04 Glenn from Dispatch called, could I sub from 11 o’clock on? These calls seems to be ramping up as The Lethal Injections begin to take effect; thus a 12-hour shift coming up, time for a little lie-down, before heading off to work…

Posted June 11, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

Reflections on the 79th Anniversary of D-Day – June 5th, 1944   Leave a comment

Posted June 8, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

“J’Accuse…!”   Leave a comment

Herewith follows a letter written by Joseph Ladapo MD, Surgeon-General of the State of Florida to Robert M. Califf, MD, Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration and Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, Director of the Centers for Disease Control.

I downloaded the images from a recent substack post by Dr. Paul Alexander, scanned and edited them, and repost them in turn. As to my “qualifications” to comment on this? I haven’t any. Until I tore that worthless shit-ticket into little pieces in 2016, I held a Bachelor of Music Performance degree, a qualification every bit as useless as I unknowingly joked at the time it would be. At this point in my life, I’m 64 years old. I cannot afford to retire. I support a wife, a vaccine-damaged 27-year-old step-daughter and a cat, on a security guard’s wages – or rather, what’s left over after 64% of my take-home is squandered for rent on a shabby 500 square foot apartment, and that, after 22% is stolen by the Federal and Provincial Criminal Cartels before I even see it. IOW I’m Joe-Blow-considerably-below-average, trying to scratch out a living, same as the rest of us peons.

What can I add after that, having read this document? Breath-taking. Absolutely bloody breathtaking. To my mind, this is deliberate, calculated, implemented evil that if not “demonic”, is “Satanic”. Here is what I think Dr. Ladapo is not saying, as such: Both these two, Robert M. Califf, and Rochelle P. Walensky? How do accusations of “Malfeasance”, “Fraud”, “Wanton Criminality”, “Betrayal”, and “Democide” sound, just for a start? These two, along with literally thousands of other politicians, doctors, scientists, high-powered businessmen – all of them – merit Life Imprisonment without Parole at the very least, if not frankly The Death Penalty, for what they’ve done. Their executions – after a scrupulously fair trial and inevitable “guilty” verdict of course – must be public, and televised, nothing less is adequate: Without a word of exaggeration humanity is now in a predicament in which at least 30% of the world’s population will die within the next few years, because of what these people have knowingly done, and because… we trusted them. 😱

“J’Accuse…!” Justice must be served.

Capt Roy Harkness


May 10, 2023

Robert M. Califf, MD, MACC
US Food and Drug Administration
10903 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Springs, MD 20993

Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2877 Brandywine Rd, Room 2402
Atlanta, GA 30341

Drs. Califf and Walensky,

Your ongoing decision to ignore many of the risks associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines alongside your efforts to manipulate the public into thinking they are harmless, have resulted in deep distrust in the American health care system. Beginning with Operation Warp Speed, and possibly to be continued with an additional $5 billion investment in Project NextGen, the federal government has relentlessly forced a premature vaccine into the arms of the American with little to no concern for the serious health ramifications.

It is critical to acknowledge and address the negative global impact caused by the emergency of COVID-19. Nonetheless, after two years, your collective decisions to deny that natural immunity confers comparable or superior protection to COVID-19 vaccination, push mRNA COVID-19 boosters for the young and healthy, and delay acknowledging the risks of vaccine-induced myocarditis have only sowed doubt between the American people and the public health community.

Data are unequivocal: After the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reporting increased by 1,700%, including a 4,400% increase in life-threatening conditions. We are not the first to observe such a trend. Dismissing this pronounced increase as being solely due to reporting trends is a callous denial of corroborating scientific evidence also pointing to increased risk and a poor safety profile. It also fails to explain the disproportionate increase in life-threatening adverse events for the mRNA vaccines compared to all adverse events.

Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own data, rates of incapacitation after mRNA vaccination far surpass other vaccines. This is illustrated in a recent Lancet publication, Rosenblum H. et al, Lancet. 2022, that reports up to one third of individuals being “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, or [receiving] care from a medical professional” in the days following mRNA vaccination.

The study, Fraiman J et al, Vaccine. 2022, also found an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest for 1 in 550 after mRNA vaccination. As you are aware, this is extraordinarily high for a vaccine. In comparison, the risk of serious adverse events after influenza vaccination is much lower (Lusigan S, Lancet Regional Health – Europe, 2021). For you to claim that serious adverse events such as these are “rare” when Pfizer and Moderna’s clinical trial data indicate they are not, is a startling exercise in disinformation.

I want to reemphasize that these questions could have been answered if you had required vaccine manufacturers to perform and report adequate clinical trials. Although Project NextGen has been launched under another administration, I anticipate with regret, that you will repeat repeat past mistakes and prematurely promote new therapies to Americans without accurately and truthfully weighing data on risks and benefits.

In light of your stated commitment to transparency and the communication of the risks and benefits associated with these therapies, I am asking that you publicly:

1. Report why randomized clinical trials were not required prior to the approval of mRNA COVID-19 boosters, including the new bivalent booster.

2. Explain why adverse events first detected in the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) safety surveillance system in 2021 were not published in scientific literature until December of 2022. (Hui-Lee Wong et al, Vaccine. 2023)

3. Report the FDA and CDC’s interpretations of the study performed in Thailand, which showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in young boys, and the Swiss study, which also showed a 3% incidence of myocardial injury in adults after receiving the bivalent booster. (Mansanguan S, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease. 2022; NCT0543847

4. Explain why the Pfizer deadline for reporting their subclinical myocarditis study was delayed until December of 2022, despite the CDC promoting vaccination to millions of young people, and then postponed again until June of 2023.

5. Report the results of the VAERS proportionality analyses that you performed.

6. Explain why 26 of the 31 published studies using the V-Safe system only report symptoms within the first seven days of vaccination when it is recognized that most serious events occur after this time.

7. Disclose the rates of adverse events in V-Safe that vaccine recipients believe are related to their COVID-19 vaccine at 12 month follow up.

8. Explain why the patient reporting fields provided for adverse events in V-Safe are limited to those considered “non-serious” by the CDC and why there is an absence of reporting fields for serious adverse events, such as stroke, myocarditis, shingles, etc.

9. Report the number of adolescents that have died within days of receiving a second dose or booster of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. (Gill J et al, Archives Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2022)

10. Explain why you have not publicly reported on the studies indicating a likely increased risk of COVID-19 infection after four to six months from receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. (Chemaitelly H, Lancet Infectious Disease. 2023; Altarawneh HN, New England Journal of Medicine. 2022; Lin DY, New England Journal of Medicine. 2022).

11. Explain why you have not required Pfizer to report results of its randomized trial in pregnant women (NCT04754594), which was completed in July of 2022.

12. Comment on studies illustrating an increased risk of dysautonomia and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. (Kwan AC et al, Nature Cardiovascular Research. 2022).

Your organizations are the main entities promoting vaccine hesitancy – Florida promotes the truth. It is our duty to provide all information within our power to individuals so they can make their own informed health care decisions. A lack of transparency only harms Americans’ faith in science.

I, Floridians, and people around the world await your response.


Joseph A. Ladapo, MD, PhD
State Surgeon General

Posted May 13, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

Hommage to the Unvaccinated   Leave a comment

I suddenly seem to be on a bit of a roll. Having just reposted Repent I suddenly recalled the Homage to the Unvaccinated I saw a few months ago; thought it would be a very good follow-up, decided ‘now’ would be a good time to repost it. I found what I hope is an accurate translation from the Romanian website Romanian Posts English and reissue it below without further ado.

Other than to add… You know something? I might… just possibly…? Be a better person than I was ever led to believe.🤔

Captain Roy Harkness


The letter Homage to the Unvaccinated was mistakenly attributed to French General Christian Blanchon, but it actually belongs to biologist and documentary maker Fernando López-Mirones.

French General Christian Blanchon took over and distributed the text Homage to the Unvaccinated which Active News.Ro also published, but, according to”, the author of the text is, in fact, the biologist and documentary maker Fernando López-Mirones.

In fact, no matter who is the author of this beautiful text, the most important thing is that it was published and distributed and reached many readers.

Fernando López-Mirones, biologist, documentary maker, was part of the jury of several international film festivals. His screenplay for the feature film Guadalquivir was nominated for the Goya Award for Best Documentary. On July 26, 2022, Fernando paid tribute, on his Telegram account, to unvaccinated people who did not give in to the harsh measures of social exclusion and discrimination.

We reproduce the text again, this time attributed to Fernando López-Mirones:


“Even if I had been fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up in the face of the most pressure I have ever witnessed, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who have been able to display such personality, courage and critical capacity undoubtedly embody what is best in humanity.

These people are everywhere, in all age groups, at all levels of education, in all countries and in all areas of thought.

They are special; these are the soldiers any army of light wishes to have in its ranks.

They are the parents every child wishes to have and the children every parent dreams of having.

They are above average human beings in their societies; they are the essence of the peoples who built all cultures and conquered new horizons.

They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not do; they were the fir trees that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion.

And they did it because they thought they were alone.

Excluded from their families’ Christmas dinners, they have never experienced such a harsh experience. They lost their jobs, compromised their careers and ran out of money…but they didn’t care. They suffered discrimination to an immeasurable degree, they suffered denunciations, betrayals and humiliations… but they continued.

Never before in mankind has there been such a rejection [de asemenea proporții] by other people; now we know who the invincibles are on planet Earth.

Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races and religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen to sit in the invisible ark, the only ones who managed not to get beaten when everything was falling apart around them.

You have passed an unimaginable test that many of the strongest Marines, commandos, green berets, astronauts and geniuses could not pass.

They are of the same quality as the greatest men who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary people who shine in the dark.”

Fernando López-Mirones

Posted May 12, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

“Repent.”   Leave a comment

A photograph taken the day after “Kristallnacht”, November 9, 1938.
At this point in my life, I can fairly say, I now have some idea what it was, to have been a Jew in Nazi Germany…
Well… at least before the mass arrests began…

I found this article on a certain individual’s Substack Page, purportedly written by Brian Peckford, former Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador; co-author of Canada’s Gossamer Constitution, and posted on his blog site: The link they provided however, didn’t work. A bit of online sleuthing and I discovered it was written by one “Don Wilson, LLB”. I quote it, verbatim:

Captain Roy Harkness


“A lot of people are getting upset having their conduct during covid compared to Germans supporting the rise of Nazism.

Let’s recapitulate.

A fifth of the population was legally classified as unclean. They were barred from most public spaces, including theatres, restaurants, movies, pubs, clubs, swimming pools, sporting events, concerts, conventions, etc.

To access public facilities, people had to carry a digital mark with them so authorities could confirm they weren’t unclean.

The unclean were fired and barred from most jobs: education, healthcare, courts – all public sector work, most major union jobs and a wide smattering of major private employers. When they were fired, the unclean were denied employment insurance, the reasoning being that they had been fired for cause on account of being unclean.

The unclean were banned from travel on trains, planes, and chartered boats. They had no legal means of leaving the country. Even if they wanted to, they could not escape the country that obviously hated them so.

It became illegal to socialize with the unclean. They weren’t allowed to attend weddings or funerals, or visit sick relatives or friends in hospital.

Special laws were made for the unclean subjecting them to house arrest if they were around a person who had recently had a positive PCR test. The unclean had to continue to cover their faces in public when universal masking was dropped.

It became socially acceptable to wish death upon the unclean in social media and in major news organizations. Public health figures and other politicians gave press conferences to shame and insult the unclean. The public developed shared pejorative names for them, and relished in insulting the unclean.

News media regularly ran polls asking if the unclean should be arrested or fined. Public figures openly and proudly spoke about witholding medically necessary healthcare from the unclean – letting them die. The unclean were removed from organ transplant lists, condemned to almost certain death.

No end date for these measures was ever suggested, no timeline given. To the contrary, this was called the “new normal”.

Criticizing any of these developments made you a social pariah, and likely cost you most of your friendships and family relations, if not your job.

The lesson of the Holocaust – and of covid – isn’t that Germans or Albertans or people of the 21st Century are uniquely gullible or evil. It’s that for most people, “morality” is not a matter of principle, but rather of adopting what they perceive to be the dominant group ideology – even if that ideology is marked by wanton irrationality or brutal inhumanity.

Indeed, as in certain cults or gangs, the brutality or irrationality of the acts or beliefs required to signal group inclusion further entrench people into the ideology, rather than repel them; a kind of perverse sunk cost fallacy writ large.

So, yes, if you’re a typical person – Albertan, Canadian or otherwise – it is overwhelmingly likely that you would have been a Nazi if you were born in Nazi Germany. If you cheered along lockdowns and mandates, that likelihood approaches certainty.


Don Wilson

Posted May 12, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

This Must End.   Leave a comment

“First Principles Clarice. Read Marcus Aurelius: ‘Of each particular thing ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature?’ What does he do, this man you seek?”
— Hannibal Lecter, The Silence of the Lambs

At first I looked for the quotation from Marcus Aurelius on its own, but for that brilliant man to be quoted in turn by Dr. Lecter drives the point home, just a little harder.

“Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realize that Christ Jesus is in you … unless of course, you fail the test?”
— Saul of Tarsus, student of Rabbi Gamaliel, in his Second Letter to the Corinthians (13:5)

How badly, how consistently by now have Justin Castreau and the Darth Schwab indoctrinated padawans of The Liberal Party of Canada, failed this test? What are they, in themselves? What is their nature? Indeed, how does any of us grasp the nature, begin to fathom the depths, of group psychopathy?

A psychopathy, bordering on Demonic Possession.



It’s now the day before yesterday (May 9, 2023) that I chanced upon this article in “Lionness of Judah’s” substack:

SMOKING GUN! Caught On Tape: Trudeau Trying To Bring Back VACCINE MANDATES!

A Liberal Party MP’s office CONFIRMED that Trudeau Government DID discuss bringing BACK the authoritarian vaccine mandates at their 2023 convention.

She asked everyone who read her article to share it everywhere. Thus I am doing my bit to make this information “go viral”.


I did a bit of sleuthing on my cellphone at work, discovered a lawsuit Ontario Attorney Rocco Galati launched against Justin Castreau and the Liberal Party (amongst others) in 2021… With this so-called mandate they were and are in direct violation of:

• The English Bill of Rights of 1689.
• The Canadian Constitution Act of 1867.
• Articles 2, 7, 8, 9, and 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms

They are also in violation of:

• The Geneva Conventions.
• The Nuremberg Code.
• The Declaration of Helsinki.
• The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (Article 6).
• The UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Article 7).


I’ve gathered over the last 3 years Mr. Galati has launched a number of lawsuits very similar to this one. I’ve no idea what happened with any of them and needless to say, The Controlled Mainstream Media ain’t sayin’ a word … 🙄💩

And of course, what do trivial, picayune matters like Constitutions, Federal and International Law, not to mention at least 334 years (actually more like a millenia) of tradition, customs and usage have to do with any of their WEF-instigated, monstrous plans for us? Evidently, not a hell of a lot.

I recall the words of Brother Alexis Bugnolo, from lo, nearly two years ago:

“Anyone with a brain had enough time to examine the Scamdemic and see that it was false. As Christians we’re obliged to test everything to see if it’s true or not, and hold fast only to what is good. If in a year you didn’t practice that and ran off to get the jab so that you could go travelling, or not get offended or do something like that… You’re an idiot. And you’re a coward. And you don’t live, according to the truth.”

I should add that rubric of caution from Saul of Tarsus that Br. Alexis alludes to and which I quoted at the beginning of this post, holds fast in addition – with certain slight revisions of course – for any Jew, Zoroastrian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Falun Gong practitioner or Shintoist; the most militant of Atheists… even the most apathetic of Agnostics… We are all obliged to test everything to see if it’s true or not – at all times – and hold fast only to what is good.

Our humanity depends on it.

On the other hand I don’t know what is to be done with the “Woke” / “Progressive”, ie, Cultural Marxist useful idiots and lunatics who have seized the reins of power in The West over the past 5 years at least; for whom dissembling, lying and deceit are their stock-in-trade, and who have dragged us all, not kicking and screaming but barely aware, to the edge of the abyss.

Meanwhile I have a friend whom I’ll call “Grant” who inveighed upon me to open my mothballed business, Andante Woodwind and Brass Repair, to do a minor repair on his flute. About what? 18 months back I guess, and the last repair job I had come to think of it, he came in with an oboe looking for a similar minor repair and volunteered: “Yeah, I got the jab. It was nothing.”

Friday May 5 2023? He now told me thanks to that jab he’s been diagnosed with myocarditis. But unlike a lot of others, he’s made the connection, said he’ll never take another injection, never trust a doctor ever again.

Red Pilled at a bitter, bitter price: I’ve gathered the mortality rate for myocarditis is something like 50% within 5 years of diagnosis.

On the other hand this afternoon at work, “Alain”, one of the roundsman came to the kiosk window to sign the paysheet, and blithely announced he’d just had his FIFTH booster that afternoon, that there was a lineup in the Pharmasave behind him for theirs — and at my stunned, nearly speechless response snottily informed me I could believe what I liked.

What… what, do you say, what can you say, to an imbecile like this? After 3 years of this grotesque monstrous fraud, are the vast majority of humanity still this clueless, still this unaware?😳

If so, it does not bode well for them – or for us.


From the Liberal Party of Canada’s website:

“Proof of Vaccination

Canadians want to finish the fight against COVID-19. Millions of Canadians have rolled up their sleeves and gotten their vaccine shots, doing so to protect themselves, and their community. Across the country, thousands of business owners have demonstrated leadership to support vaccine rollout, and now many want to go further. Whether they are managing a multinational or a small coffee shop, business owners should have no doubt that putting the safety of workers, customers, or clients first is the right thing to do.

Proof of vaccination systems give people the confidence of knowing that others around them are fully vaccinated. They also help drive increased vaccination rates and give Canadians confidence that it’s safe to go to restaurants, shops, and out into their communities.

A re-elected Liberal government will:

• Launch a $1 billion COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund to support provinces and territories who implement a requirement for proof of vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public spaces.

• Table legislation to ensure that every business and organization that decides to require a proof of vaccination from employees and customers can do so without fear of a legal challenge.

Free COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters

• As the public health situation evolves, keeping Canadians safe and healthy is our priority and we are committed to finishing the fight against COVID-19.

A re-elected Liberal government will:

• Procure enough vaccines to ensure all Canadians have access to free COVID-19 booster shots and second-generation vaccines as needed.

• COVID-19 is a new disease and scientists and researchers have come a long way to understand, treat, and prevent it. But we still need to understand its long-term impacts.

A COVID-19 Research Fund

A re-elected Liberal government will:

• Invest $100 million to study the long-term health impacts of COVID-19, including the effects of “long-COVID” on different groups, including vulnerable populations and children.”



Meanwhile the Biden Regime (it is not an “administration”, the crypto-Bolshevik “Democratic” Party having seized and retain power with blatantly obvious, fraudulent voting tactics) has finally announced an end to the Scamdemic, effective May 11, 2023. Even that criminal gang, The World Health Organization, has announced an end to the festivities.

Why is the Liberal Party in Canada maintaining the fraud? What do these despicable bastards know, that we do not?

Breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. So the farcical scam of “Covid-19” and The Lethal Injections are to be brought back to Canada full force, complete with a “Mark of the Beast” monitoring system, for make no mistake Gentle Readers, what these monsters are really talking about with “proof of vaccination” is a Digital ID to monitor you, everywhere you go, whatever you do, and that includes sleeping, making love, having a dump. And they will get re-elected, for the electoral process in Canada is likely at least as corrupt and compromised as America’s…

… And regardless, the morons continue to vote for them. What in the Name of All That’s Good and Holy, is it going to take, to wake the Blue-Pilled Pinheads up?

That light at the end of the Covid tunnel we all thought we saw? May be the locomotive’s headlight…

This must end. This must end NOW.

Posted May 11, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized

Upchuck III Ascends the Throne   Leave a comment

A quick note, had to add it…

So to-day is the coronation of His Royal Highness, King Upchuck III, which I will be studiously ignoring. I really have to wonder at the sanity of the British, having relieved his remote ancestor Upchuck I’s shoulders of his swollen head January 30, 1649… 11 years later, May 29, 1660 invited his rebarbative son Upchuck II to once again leech off the taxpayers and … 363 years later? 😱 …The Royal Bloodsuckers have been leeching merrily away ever since.

Courtesy of Mark Crispin Miller’s Substack, I was made aware of James Corbett’s latest presentation: Meet King Charles, The Great Resetter.

I’d just gotten up, none-the-less sat back and watched it, in its entirety. Nothing I wasn’t more-or-less unaware of already… you know?… The stories of murder (the scurrilous, smutty, completely unsubstantiated innuendo of Upchuck having something to do with the death of his ex, Diana Spencer for example*); false-flags, premeditated genocide, child-trafficking, pedophilia – all of these stories going back centuries incidentally…

I thought I was prepared for what I was going to watch. None-the-less to view this presentation with Corbett’s dispassionate delivery, in his flat Canadian accent, was to be chilled to the marrow of my bones.

“Tolle, Vide” to paraphrase St. Augustine. And I hope I’ve got my Latin cases right.

PS: You can find more of Bob Moran’s stuff here.

* Dead Wrong 2: Diana, Princess of Wales

Posted May 6, 2023 by Capt. Roy Harkness in Uncategorized